Inheritance Planning

The starting view for many is estate planning is all about when you die and passing on money. Clearly, yes this is a part of it - but it’s also about enjoying life now and ensuring you have enough to live on.

Your Loved Ones

There are many ways to give away money, for example; one-off cash gifts, gifting a regular income, setting up trusts for long-term giving. With various rules on inheritance tax, potential tax implications and consequences – it’s so important to start planning early.

We will discuss with you such things as:

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In essence, a trust is a legal arrangement where you give cash, property or investments to someone else – so they can look after them for the benefit of a third person.

If you are a trustee, you must use the money or assets in the trust only for the beneficiary’s benefit. Exactly what you can and can’t do as a trustee should be set out in detail in the trust agreement.

If the trust is a ‘discretionary trust’, the trustees will have more freedom to make decisions.


For example, if the trust is set up to benefit a number of young children, you and any other trustees can use it for anything you agree is for the benefit of any one of the children, like paying for a school trip.


If you’re being asked to be a charity trustee, there are additional duties.

Before you agree to become a trustee you should seek professional advice from a financial adviser or a solicitor – to make sure you understand everything that’s involved.